Website color scheme

Color Scheme
Core Aesthetic of my Digital Space

The cornerstone hues shaping my website's identity

My website's color palette is more than just a choice of shades; it's the foundation of my visual identity. Each color has been meticulously selected to ensure consistency, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal across every page. From the deep "Dark Base" that grounds our design, to the vibrant "Primary Color" that captures attention, and the subtle "Light Neutral" that softens and balances, my palette is a deliberate composition. It reflects my commitment to a cohesive and engaging user experience, reinforcing my brand's values and message at every touchpoint. This palette is not just a guideline but a statement of my design philosophy, ensuring a seamless and intuitive interface for every visitor.

Main website

Below is a detailed breakdown of the primary colors defining the visual language of my site, ensuring a harmonious and accessible user interface.

Color Name Color Hex RGB HSL
Primary Color
#0083B3 rgb(0, 131, 179) hsl(199, 100%, 35%)
Complementary Color
#FF4030 rgb(255, 64, 48) hsl(5, 100%, 59%)
Light Neutral
#F8F8F2 rgb(248, 248, 242) hsl(60, 30%, 96%)
Dark Base
#2C2C2C rgb(44, 44, 44) hsl(0, 0%, 17%)

Code syntax highlighting

To enhance code readability and aesthetics within my documentation and platforms, I employ a custom syntax highlighting theme. The colors are chosen to reduce eye strain and improve focus during long coding sessions.

Color Name Color Hex RGB HSL
Deep Space
#1B1D1E rgb(27, 29, 30) hsl(200, 5%, 11%)
Ivory Mist
#F8F8F2 rgb(248, 248, 242) hsl(60, 20%, 96%)
Vibrant Fuchsia
#F92672 rgb(249, 38, 114) hsl(338, 94%, 56%)
Electric Lime
#A6E22E rgb(166, 226, 46) hsl(88, 76%, 53%)
Celestial Blue
#66D9EF rgb(102, 217, 239) hsl(191, 79%, 67%)
Sunshine Yellow
#E6DB74 rgb(230, 219, 116) hsl(54, 68%, 68%)
Muted Gray
#7E8E91 rgb(126, 142, 145) hsl(189, 8%, 53%)
Tangerine Glow
#FD971F rgb(253, 151, 31) hsl(30, 98%, 56%)
Lavender Dream
#AE81FF rgb(174, 129, 255) hsl(255, 100%, 75%)
Fiery Coral
#EF5939 rgb(239, 89, 57) hsl(11, 85%, 58%)

Plot Aesthetics Enhancement

To elevate the visual appeal and clarity of mathematical and physics visualizations on my documentation and platforms, I utilize a custom color palette. This palette is meticulously selected to minimize visual fatigue and enhance concentration over extended periods of analytical or educational engagement.

Color Name Color Hex RGB HSL Usage
Base Line
#66CCFF rgb(102, 204, 255) hsl(204, 100%, 70%) Primary plot lines
Complementary Line
#FF9966 rgb(255, 153, 102) hsl(20, 100%, 70%) Secondary plot lines
#CC0066 rgb(204, 0, 102) hsl(336, 100%, 40%) Data point markers
Additional Line
#66CC66 rgb(102, 204, 102) hsl(120, 50%, 60%) Additional plot lines
Additional Line
#CC66CC rgb(204, 102, 204) hsl(300, 50%, 60%) Additional plot lines