UI components

UI Components
Simple, Functional, and Essential

Showcase of Essentials

In the realm of web development, certain UI components are indispensable for enhancing user interaction and data input. This section showcases three fundamental elements: a datepicker for easy date selection, a slider for adjusting values within a defined range, and a switch for toggling between two states. Each component is designed with simplicity and functionality in mind, providing the basic utility needed for various applications without overcomplicating the user interface. These examples serve as a testament to the efficiency and effectiveness of straightforward design.


Below is a sleek and intuitive datepicker example, designed for effortless date selection using the primary color:

A version using a complementary color is also available:


The following <stylesheet> need to be at the top of the pages:

<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/ui/datepicker.min.css" media="screen">


The following <script> need to be placed near the end of the pages:

<!-- JavaScript Files -->
<script src="/assets/js/lib/bootstrap-datepicker-1.10.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/ui/datepicker.min.js"></script>


Presented below are examples of sliders, crafted for smooth and precise value adjustments:


The following <stylesheet> need to be at the top of the pages:

<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/lib/nouislider.15.7.1.min.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/nouislider-theme.min.css" media="screen">


The following <script> need to be placed near the end of the pages:

<!-- JavaScript Files -->
<script src="/assets/js/lib/nouislider.15.7.1.min.js"></script>


Presented below are examples of switches:


The following <stylesheet> need to be at the top of the pages:

<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/ui/switch.min.css" media="screen">


The following <script> need to be placed near the end of the pages:

<!-- JavaScript Files -->
<script src="/assets/js/ui/switch.min.js"></script>