
My Notes


Numerical Simulations

In this section here, you can find comprehensive resources and examples on numerical simulations. Explore various applications, from handling complex geometries and predicting system behaviors to reducing the need for costly experiments. Discover how numerical simulations enhance understanding and enable the exploration of extreme scenarios, revolutionizing our approach to problem-solving and innovation.

Gists (Code Snippets)

This section here is dedicated to short, reusable code snippets, focusing on practical implementations and language-specific techniques.

Programming Hacks and Tips

This section here is dedicated to miscellaneous programming content and includes various tips, guides, and resources that cover topics such as compiling strategies, language bindings, and other programming-related content that doesn't fit into a dedicated category.

Artificial Intelligence

AI has its own section here.


HP 48GX has its own section here.

HTML5 Applications

HTML5 applications have their own section here.