HP 48GX character set

Character Set

HP Character set

Welcome to my comprehensive guide on the HP 48GX character set, a vital resource for enthusiasts and professionals working with this iconic calculator. The HP 48GX series, known for its advanced capabilities and engineering precision, utilizes a unique character set that facilitates effective data input and output, making it indispensable for complex computations and programming tasks.

This webpage offers an in-depth look at the HP 48GX’s character set, presented in a user-friendly table format. Each entry in the table is meticulously detailed with hexadecimal and decimal representations, alongside the corresponding character and its specific role in data communication with the calculator. My aim is to provide you with a thorough understanding of each character’s function and usage, enhancing your interaction with the HP 48GX series. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or a dedicated collector, this resource is designed to support your projects and enrich your knowledge of this classic computing device.

Character Codes 0-63: Essential Control and ASCII Characters

Character Codes 64-127: Extended ASCII Characters

Character Codes 128-191: Special Mathematical and International Symbols

Character Codes 192-255: Extended Latin Characters and Symbols

Character Codes 0-63: Essential Control and ASCII Characters

This table represents the first 64 characters of the HP 48GX calculator’s character set, an essential element for anyone involved in programming, mathematics, or data entry using this advanced tool. The characters are listed with their hexadecimal (Hex) and decimal (Dec) codes, as well as their character representation (Chr) and input/output notation (I/O), where applicable. Descriptions provide insights into each character’s purpose or symbolism.

The set begins with control characters, like the Null Char (\0) at position 00, and progresses through various control codes represented by caret notation (e.g., ^A for Char A) which have special functions in data handling and calculator control. Following these, we find the ASCII printable characters starting from space ( ) at position 32 (20 in hex), and including symbols, digits, and letters commonly used in mathematical and programming languages. These characters enable the HP 48GX to interface with users and external systems effectively, allowing for a wide range of applications from simple calculations to complex programming tasks.

This character set is crucial for understanding the communication and programming paradigms of the HP 48GX series, reflecting its design to support scientific computation, data manipulation, and interface customization. Whether you’re entering commands, programming, or transferring data, knowing these characters and their codes enhances your efficiency and proficiency with the HP 48GX.

Hex Dec Chr I/O Description
00 00 \0 Null Char
01 01 ^A Start of Heading
02 02 ^B Start of Text
03 03 ^C End of Text
04 04 ^D End of Transmission
05 05 ^E Enquiry
06 06 ^F Acknowledge
07 07 ^G Bell
08 08 ^H Backspace
09 09 ^I Horizontal Tab
0A 10 ^J Line Feed
0B 11 ^K Vertical Tab
0C 12 ^L Form Feed
0D 13 ^M Carriage Return
0E 14 ^N Shift Out
0F 15 ^O Shift In
10 16 ^P Data Link Escape
11 17 ^Q Device Control 1
12 18 ^R Device Control 2
13 19 ^S Device Control 3
14 20 ^T Device Control 4
15 21 ^U Negative Acknowledge
16 22 ^V Synchronous Idle
17 23 ^W End of Trans. Block
18 24 ^X Cancel
19 25 ^Y End of Medium
1A 26 ^Z Substitute
1B 27 ^[ Escape
1C 28 ^\ File Separator
1D 29 ^] Group Separator
1E 30 ^^ Record Separator
1F 31 ^_ Unit Separator
20 32 Space
21 33 ! ! Exclamation mark
22 34 Quotation mark
23 35 # # Dash sign
24 36 $ $ Dollar sign
25 37 % % Percent sign
26 38 & & Ampersand
27 39 Apostrophe
28 40 ( ( Left parenthesis
29 41 ) ) Right parenthesis
2A 42 * * Asterisk
2B 43 + + Plus sign
2C 44 , , Comma
2D 45 - - Minus sign
2E 46 . . Full stop
2F 47 / / Solidus
30 48 0 0 Digit zero
31 49 1 1 Digit one
32 50 2 2 Digit two
33 51 3 3 Digit three
34 52 4 4 Digit four
35 53 5 5 Digit five
36 54 6 6 Digit six
37 55 7 7 Digit seven
38 56 8 8 Digit eight
39 57 9 9 Digit nine
3A 58 : : Colon
3B 59 ; ; Semicolon
3C 60 < < Less-than sign
3D 61 = = Equals sign
3E 62 > > Greater-than sign
3F 63 ? ? Question mark

Character Codes 0-63 on the emulator screen

Character Codes 64-127: Extended ASCII Characters

This section of the HP 48GX Calculator Character Set page details the characters in the range from 64 to 127. Here, you’ll find the extended set of ASCII characters that includes both uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation marks, and special symbols. This range is pivotal for programming and data input, expanding the versatility of the HP 48GXcalculator by supporting a broader array of mathematical, scientific, and textual data.

The table presents each character’s hexadecimal (Hex) and decimal (Dec) codes, the visual representation (Chr), and where applicable, its input/output notation (I/O). This comprehensive overview is designed to aid users in navigating the HP 48’s capabilities for complex operations, programming tasks, and data communication. By understanding these characters and their codes, users can enhance their proficiency with the HP 48, leveraging its full potential in various computational contexts.

Hex Dec Chr I/O Description
40 64 @ @ Commercial at
41 65 A A A
42 66 B B B
43 67 C C C
44 68 D D D
45 69 E E E
46 70 F F F
47 71 G G G
48 72 H H H
49 73 I I I
4A 74 J J J
4B 75 K K K
4C 76 L L L
4D 77 M M M
4E 78 N N N
4F 79 O O O
50 80 P P P
51 81 Q Q Q
52 82 R R R
53 83 S S S
54 84 T T T
55 85 U U U
56 86 V V V
57 87 W W W
58 88 X X X
59 89 Y Y Y
5A 90 Z Z Z
5B 91 [ [ Left square bracket
5C 92 \ \\ Backslash
5D 93 ] ] Right square bracket
5E 94 ^ ^ Circumflex accent
5F 95 _ _ Underscore
60 96 ` ` Grave accent
61 97 a a a
62 98 b b b
63 99 c c c
64 100 d d d
65 101 e e e
66 102 f f f
67 103 g g g
68 104 h h h
69 105 i i i
6A 106 j j j
6B 107 k k k
6C 108 l l l
6D 109 m m m
6E 110 n n n
6F 111 o o o
70 112 p p p
71 113 q q q
72 114 r r r
73 115 s s s
74 116 t t t
75 117 u u u
76 118 v v v
77 119 w w w
78 120 x x x
79 121 y y y
7A 122 z z z
7B 123 { { Left curly bracket
7C 124 | | Vertical line
7D 125 } } Right curly bracket
7E 126 ~ ~ Tilde
7G 127 Shade

Character Codes 64-127 on the emulator screen

Character Codes 128-191: Special Mathematical and International Symbols

This segment of the HP 48GXCalculator Character Set page explores the characters ranging from 128 to 191, encompassing a variety of special mathematical symbols, Greek letters, arrows, and a selection of international typographic characters. This range enriches the HP 48’s ability to handle complex mathematical expressions, scientific equations, and supports a broader linguistic diversity for international use.

Within this table, each entry is clearly outlined with its hexadecimal (Hex) and decimal (Dec) identifiers, the symbolic representation (Chr), and where applicable, the specific input/output notation (I/O). It covers essential mathematical notation such as the integral sign (∫), summation symbol (∑), Greek alphabet characters (α, β, γ, …), as well as specialized symbols like the infinity sign (∞) and various currency and typographic marks (e.g., ©, ®, £, ¥). This range is critical for users who require precise and varied symbolic representation for advanced computational tasks, programming, and documentation on the HP 48GXcalculator.

Hex Dec Chr I/O Description
80 128 \<) Right angle
81 129 \x- x overbar
82 130 \.V Nabla
83 131 \v/ Square root
84 132 \.S Integral
85 133 \GS Summation
86 134 \|> Black right pointing triangle
87 135 π \pi pi
88 136 \.d Partial differential
89 137 \<= Less than or equal to
8A 138 \>= Greater than or equal to
8B 139 \=/ Not equal to
8C 140 α \Ga alpha
8D 141 \-> Rightwards arrow
8E 142 \<- Leftwards arrow
8F 143 \|v Downwards arrow
90 144 \|^ Upwards arrow
91 145 γ \Gg gamma
92 146 δ \Gd delta
93 147 ε \Ge epsilon
94 148 η \Gn eta
95 149 θ \Gh theta
96 150 λ \Gl lamda
97 151 ρ \Gr rho
98 152 σ \Gs sigma
99 153 τ \Gt tau
9A 154 ω \Gw omega
9B 155 Δ \GD Capital delta
9C 156 Π \PI Capital pi
9D 157 Ω \GW Capital omega
9E 158 \[] Black square
9F 159 \oo Infinity
A0 160 \160 No break space
A1 161 ¡ \161 Inverted exclamation mark
A2 162 ¢ \162 Cent sign
A3 163 £ \163 Pound sign
A4 164 ¤ \164 Currency sign
A5 165 ¥ \165 Yen sign
A6 166 ¦ \166 Broken bar
A7 167 § \167 Section sign
A8 168 ¨ \168 Diaeresis
A9 169 © \169 Copyright sign
AA 170 ª \170 Feminine ordinal indicator
AB 171 « \<< Left pointing double angle quotation mark
AC 172 ¬ \172 Not sign
AD 173 ­ \173 Soft hyphen
AE 174 ® \174 Registered sign
AF 175 ¯ \175 Macron
B0 176 ° \^o Degree sign
B1 177 ± \177 Plus minus sign
B2 178 ² \178 Superscript two
B3 179 ³ \179 Superscript three
B4 180 ´ \180 Acute accent
B5 181 µ \Gm Micro sign
B6 182 \182 Pilcrow sign
B7 183 · \183 Middle dot
B8 184 ¸ \184 Cedilla
B9 185 ¹ \185 Superscript one
BA 186 º \186 Masculine ordinal indicator
BB 187 » \>> Right pointing double angle quotation mark
BC 188 ¼ \188 Fraction one quarter
BD 189 ½ \189 Fraction one half
BE 190 ¾ \190 Fraction three quarters
BF 191 ¿ \191 Inverted question mark

Character Codes 128-191 on the emulator screen

Character Codes 192-255: Extended Latin Characters and Symbols

This final segment of the HP 48GXCalculator Character Set page covers the extended range of characters from 192 to 255, showcasing a diverse collection of Latin characters with diacritical marks, as well as the multiplication and division signs. This assortment significantly extends the calculator’s utility by accommodating a wide range of linguistic symbols for international languages, alongside important mathematical operations.

In the table, each character is presented with its hexadecimal (Hex) and decimal (Dec) codes, visual representation (Chr), and, when relevant, specific input/output notation (I/O). This range includes characters such as “A with grave” (À), “E with acute” (É), and special symbols like the “Multiplication sign” (×) and “Division sign” (÷), among others. Incorporating these characters allows users to input and display text in multiple languages directly on the HP 48, enhancing its versatility for global use in scientific, educational, and professional settings.

Hex Dec Chr I/O Description
C0 192 À \192 A with grave
C1 193 Á \193 A with acute
C2 194 Â \194 A with circumflex
C3 195 Ã \195 A with tilde
C4 196 Ä \196 A with diaeresis
C5 197 Å \197 A with ring above
C6 198 Æ \198 AE
C7 199 Ç \199 C with cedilla
C8 200 È \200 E with grave
C9 201 É \201 E with acute
CA 202 Ê \202 E with circumflex
CB 203 Ë \203 E with diaeresis
CC 204 Ì \204 I with grave
CD 205 Í \205 I with acute
CE 206 Î \206 I with circumflex
CF 207 Ï \207 I with diaeresis
D0 208 Ð \208 Eth
D1 209 Ñ \209 N with tilde
D2 210 Ò \210 O with grave
D3 211 Ó \211 O with acute
D4 212 Ô \212 O with circumflex
D5 213 Õ \213 O with tilde
D6 214 Ö \214 O with diaeresis
D7 215 × \215 Multiplication sign
D8 216 Ø \216 O with stroke
D9 217 Ù \217 U with grave
DA 218 Ú \218 U with acute
DB 219 Û \219 U with circumflex
DC 220 Ü \220 U with diaeresis
DD 221 Ý \221 Y with acute
DE 222 Þ \222 Thorn
DF 223 ß \Gb sharp s
E0 224 à \224 a with grave
E1 225 á \225 a with acute
E2 226 â \226 a with circumflex
E3 227 ã \227 a with tilde
E4 228 ä \228 a with diaeresis
E5 229 å \229 a with ring above
E6 230 æ \230 ae
E7 231 ç \231 c with cedilla
E8 232 è \232 e with grave
E9 233 é \233 e with acute
EA 234 ê \234 e with circumflex
EB 235 ë \235 e with diaeresis
EC 236 ì \236 i with grave
ED 237 í \237 i with acute
EE 238 î \238 i with circumflex
EF 239 ï \239 i with diaeresis
F0 240 ð \240 eth
F1 241 ñ \241 n with tilde
F2 242 ò \242 o with grave
F3 243 ó \243 o with acute
F4 244 ô \244 o with circumflex
F5 245 õ \245 o with tilde
F6 246 ö \246 o with diaeresis
F7 247 ÷ \:- Division sign
F8 248 ø \248 o with stroke
F9 249 ù \249 u with grave
FA 250 ú \250 u with acute
FB 251 û \251 u with circumflex
FC 252 ü \252 u with diaeresis
FD 253 ý \253 y with acute
FE 254 þ \254 thorn
FF 255 ÿ \255 y with diaeresis

Character Codes 192-255 on the emulator screen